and If you already have an idea but need fresh eyes to help with implementation, Kiran can act as a consultant with a unique skill set and area of expertise. He'll get the ball rolling to help your project achieve its maximum potential.
Some of Kiran's projects include a series with the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage focusing on building cross-cultural empathy, and work with IMPACT: Imagining Together Platform for Arts, Culture, and Conflict Transformation at Brandeis University's International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life. He has also consulted with women's rights groups in Rwanda, human interest organizations in India, and is currently lending his expertise to a group in Uganda and Ireland working on these nation first-ever storytelling centers.
Kiran focuses on work which aligns with the values of ethical storytelling, using narrative and storytelling methods to build community and promote a "do no harm" philosophy. He believes in the power of story to bring people together, bridge divides, heal wounds, build compassion, and ultimately foster a world based on peace and justice. If this is you as well, get in touch, and let's change the world together.
Some of Kiran's projects include a series with the Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage focusing on building cross-cultural empathy, and work with IMPACT: Imagining Together Platform for Arts, Culture, and Conflict Transformation at Brandeis University's International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life. He has also consulted with women's rights groups in Rwanda, human interest organizations in India, and is currently lending his expertise to a group in Uganda and Ireland working on these nation first-ever storytelling centers.
Kiran focuses on work which aligns with the values of ethical storytelling, using narrative and storytelling methods to build community and promote a "do no harm" philosophy. He believes in the power of story to bring people together, bridge divides, heal wounds, build compassion, and ultimately foster a world based on peace and justice. If this is you as well, get in touch, and let's change the world together.
Kiran is one of those thinkers whose ideas often seem, at first glance, brilliantly outside of the box; on closer examination, however, one realizes that they’re not so much outside of the box as busily re-framing the box, re-conceptualizing possibilities in strikingly original ways. What emerges is not necessarily what one expects, but instead what one couldn’t even have imagined . . . but which seems to make complete sense once it’s in place.”
– Dr. G. Hinson, Acting Director, Folklore Program, University of North Carolina
Get In Touch
Ready to make story part of your organization's culture? Want Kiran to speak at your next event?
Reach out for more information and we'll see how we can work together.
Reach out for more information and we'll see how we can work together.